I have a hunch that Audrey maybe hyper extended her knee yesterday. She was running off somewhere and stepped a little far out of her normal step and as I watched her it just looked wrong. She immediately fell to the ground of course crying. Well she got up she was wobbly and I was worried she did something worse because she crumpled when she stepped on her leg. Although for the next couple of hours I had her mostly sit down and take it easy and reminded her to take it slow. She cried in pain a couple of times when she stepped too hard or something but by that evening she seemed to be fine.
Today she shows no signs of it even hurting? Anyone think I should be overly concerned? Should I take her in to a doctor just in case? Just wondering what you all thought?
Christina's Rustic table and bench
10 years ago
I think if she's not in pain and she can walk normal again then there shouldn't be anything to worry about. Kids bounce back pretty fast. Take her in if it keeps affecting her. Just my opinion, I'm not an expert though-
I'm certainly no doctor, but she's probably fine. Do you have a nurse hotline you could call? Or maybe just call your pediatrician?? If she seems ok and only in minor pain, she'll most likely be fine in a day or two. Good luck!
I agree with the others, little ones heal a lot more quickly than we do, try to have her rest as much as possible and watch her for any more unusual movements. Baby's ligaments are a lot more stretchy, so she probably stretched it a little and it hurt, but she is probably fine now.
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