Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring is in the Air

BLAST that dang Nursery . I feel like my kids have been sick FOREVER! We are battling a mean cough right now. I swear Audrey will be fine, she gets sick on Tuesday and I know someone sent a sick kid into nursery!

Today was not a good day so I needed something sweet to remember that they are cute and I love them. (ok, I always know this, just after 45 minutes of bouncing and sore feet trying to get Ethan to sleep, I forget a little)

Amazing that this cute boy can still smile so brightly right after a coughing bout that I can tell hurts his poor little throat.

Just wanted to show you the love of a sister. This is usually how I find her when she isn't on TOP of him 'Kaulking (talking)' to Ethan. She loves to hold his hand when they are lying together cuddling, or in the car. She can barley reach his little hand and loves to hold it. SO CUTE!

1 comment:

Josh and Gnickie said...

I can't decided if Audrey looks more like you or your mom. I am pretty sure it is a good mix of both.

I am glad to see things are going well at your house. It has been FOREVER since we talked. Miss you Becky!