Friday, June 6, 2008

It takes bladder muscles to sneeze!

I have a very monumental journal entry to write down. I got peed on by my DAUGHTER for the first time yesterday. It started out a normal diaper change, no worries, not even that bad. Then I noticed she started to pee a little right after I had opened the diaper. No big deal, she still had the diaper underneath her. No problem, we will just wait it out. WELL, little did I expect the monstrous sneeze that then errupted out of her, resulting, unfortunatly in projectile pee!!! EW!!!! I swear I was sitting a good foot away from her and she made it all the way into my lap.

CONGRATULATIONS AUDREY, the star of them all! YUCK!


Theresa said...

sick! that's a new one for the books. :) at least you know she's got good diaphragm muscles.

Josh said...

Just wait till you have a boy. Jordan shot pee into my open mouth once, and Andrew squirted poo 2 feet away onto my leg.

Jen@eighteen25 said...

that's so funny... sometimes i have the same problem when i sneeze... haha...

Casey said...


Emily said...

That's hilarious!!

Blissful & Domestic said...

I am seriously laughing so hard right now! That is awesome! Welcome to mommy world and definitely I swear each of my kids have peed and pooped on me it is like something every mommy has to go through and it is always funny later on. Welcome to the club Becky!!!~